  • Programm


ReStart in Estonia: Empowering laid-off foreign talents

15:00 - 15:15
Introduction to Estonian International House and Work in Estonia services that could be useful if you are laid off. General overview of rules related to migration
Kestus: 15 min
Sandra Rebane

Counselling specialist, International House of Estonia (Work in Estonia)

15:15 - 15:20
Q&A Session
Kestus: 5 min
15:20 - 15:45
Unemployment Fund: “What benefits and services does the unemployment fund offer to laid-off people?
Kestus: 25 min
Lemme-Getter Bogatkin

Employer´s consultant, Unemployed Insurance Fund

15:45 - 15:50
Q&A Session
Kestus: 5 min
15:50 - 16:05
Uwanma Odefa: Experience story
Kestus: 15 min

Uwanma will provide insights into her post-layoff job search journey, shedding light on the impact of the layoff on her and her coping strategies. She will elaborate on the job search platforms and techniques she employs, drawing from her extensive experience as an HR professional and talent sourcer. Additionally, Uwanma will share her effective tips for leveraging LinkedIn in her job hunting efforts.

Uwanma Odefa

Experienced and certified Talent and Human Resource Management professional with international (EMEA) experience spanning 15 years.

16:05 - 16:10
Q&A Session
Kestus: 5 min
16:10 - 16:30
Discussion and sharing of experiences
Kestus: 20 min

Only on-site participants

Korraldaja kontaktid

Online or International House of Estonia
Valukoja 8, Tallinn


If you have any questions about the event, please let us know by e-mail: 

Work in Estonia is part of a joint agency of EAS and KredEx.

